A Chaplain's Passion Outside the Walls
BY PETER KEADY, First Responder Chaplain in Northampton County
It was a lazy, Sunday afternoon. Shattering the calm, my pager sounded Station 27 tones at 2:24 pm for a rescue of a child stuck in a playground swing.
As a First Responder Chaplain, I don’t respond to every call. Listening carefully to the dispatch and updates, I discern if my presence and training will help or hinder the extremely capable crews from Palmer Fire.
With this call, I had a thought: “What panic is going through the mind of a parent unable to free their child from a swing?” So, I left.
Upon arriving, the mom met me halfway. “They’re on their way!” I reassured her. She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Her legs are getting numb, and we can’t get them out,” the mother said. The daughter’s legs were stuck in the holes of the basket-type swing.
“I was standing in it and slipped and got stuck,” the child chirped.
As crews arrived, my proximity became awkward, too many bodies, not enough space, back to my original concern. So, moving to the perimeter I stood next to the mom. Making purposeful conversation, I reassured her as skilled firefighters cut the swing using really cool tools and released her daughter.
As I started to head home, the mom looked me in the eyes and said, “Thank you! I’ll never forget your face.”
Now, I know I’m not very pretty, and I wanted to say something quippy, but catching myself I realized my presence and engagement were valuable to this mom. I did nothing to free the girl—credit goes to hydraulics and firefighters. However, the power of my presence and my intentional conversation meant more to her than I still realize.
The LORD brought chaplaincy to me in 2014. In 2018 I stepped, by faith, into a full-time effort, moving fully outside the walls of the church building.
I continually reflect on the life of Jesus and his walking among the people. Jesus at the well. Jesus at the Bethesda pool. Jesus in the boat. Jesus at the wedding. Jesus is a go-and-get-em God. “Sinners” called him their friend!
As a chaplain, I hold a sacred position as a person of faith and a first responder. It’s humbling. Properly trained, chaplains can be a powerful tool in times of crisis for those watching helplessly.
First Responder Chaplains bring relief and wellness to Fire, Police, EMS or Dispatchers after a stressful shift. Chaplains diffuse tense situations, bringing peace amid chaos. Chaplains place themselves among people who might never darken the door of a church.
It’s become the passion of my life and it takes place outside the walls.
In 2020, Peter launched a business, First Responder Chaplain Corps LLC, which works to provide area police and fire departments with chaplains. Learn more at firstrespondercc.com
Please join Peter and his team in praying for the identification of potential chaplains and for new departments in PA to sign on for Chaplain services.