Missions Mobilization
Helping your church mobilize Alliance Missions partnerships
Our district has sent out 27 international workers to bring the Gospel to the least reached parts of the world. We also have 7 individuals and couples preparing to go in the near future!
Alliance international workers thrive when churches partner with them in their calling!
Your church has an opportunity to invest in workers spiritually, emotionally, and financially. By building a partnership with Alliance Missions, your church can stay focused, encouraged, and spurred on to fulfill the Great Commission in both our neighborhoods and nations.
We’re here to help your church build partnerships with Alliance Missions.
We encourage each church to have a missions mobilizer to help you catalyze and build a growing partnership with Alliance Missions.
The Alliance has a multitude of resources to help you partner with international workers and teams to promote the Lord’s work throughout our world.
Does your church have a
missions mobilizer?
Church missions mobilizers can:
Equip a team and plan and coordinate international mission emphases and events
Explore and implement plans for cross-cultural service experiences and short-term missions trips
Provide mission resources (books, videos, etc.) for all ages in the congregation
Work with Alan Rathbun, District Mission Mobilizer, for ways to increase engagement with Alliance Missions
Looking to start a new partnership?
We would be happy to help your church form a partnership with Alliance international workers, teams, or locations. Fill out the “Get Started” form and we will reach out to you.
You can also complete the Alliance Missions Engagement Assessment Tool to help you consider how to best partner with international workers.
Looking to serve overseas with The Alliance?
Send an email to Alan Rathbun, District Missions Mobilizer, to get connected with some great people in our district who are well equipped to help your church plan a missions trip.
In fulfilling our All of Jesus for All the World vision, The Alliance continues not only to send U.S. workers into all the world but also to raise up, train, and equip local leaders to reach their own people and take the good news beyond their borders. As a result, there are 6.3 million Alliance believers worshiping in 24,000 churches in more than 80 countries throughout the world!
Yet there remain 3.4 billion people—40 percent of the world’s population—who have yet to trust and experience the love of God in Christ. Our Alliance family longs to establish a gospel presence among those who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus.
The workers you send and support through the Great Commission Fund become agents of hope—in word and deed—for this life and eternity.
To learn how Alliance Missions is funded, visit here.