Stories & Updates

2024 Impact Report: $118K Awarded in Grants
Alliance churches and workers across Eastern Pennsylvania received $118,771 in grant funding in 2024. Read some of the gospel impact.

Early Insights from DMC Dashboard Conversations
As we move into 2025, we're seeing encouraging momentum in a district-wide initiative to help church leaders strengthen disciple-making efforts.

Missions Update: A Church Plant Story in Thailand
In May 2021, Ed and Sue Danneker took their first prayer walk in the region of Baan Bo in Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand.

Stories of Churches Moving into the Neighborhood
We have two stories to tell: one about a two-month-old church in Williamsport, and another about a century-old church in Lewistown.

A Surge in Church Planting Efforts in Eastern PA
Our district is witnessing a surge in church planting efforts, with nine church plant projects currently in some stage of development.

A Church Plant Story Unfolding in Spring Grove
“God gave me a sentence that I couldn’t shake. I heard Him tell me, ‘Spring Grove is the bridge to Hanover.’

A New Church Partnership in Shamokin Dam
On Palm Sunday in 2023, a dozen people arrived to discuss whether to close the doors of their church in Shamokin Dam for good. Now a year later, they are entering a new hopeful season.

Recovery and Addiction Worship Services in Wilkes-Barre
We are excited to see how God allows Diamond City Alliance Church in Wilkes-Barre to point those affected by addiction toward hope and healing in Jesus.

Church Planting Update from South Philadelphia
Church planter Scott Newcomer began a church-planting journey in South Philadelphia eight months ago.

Meet Our New International Workers
Get to know our newest Alliance international workers who are heading to West Africa in the fall of 2024.

Terry and Ruth Smith Returning Home to Eastern PA
God continues to amaze us with how He answers the prayer for more workers. Terry and Ruth Smith are returning to pastor one of our churches in Eastern PA.

2023 Impact Report: $174K Awarded in Grants
In 2023, $174K was awarded in grants to help develop workers, churches, and communities in our Alliance Eastern PA district. We want to celebrate and report back on the Kingdom impact.

Increasing Gospel Impact in the Poconos
We give God all the glory for what He is doing in the life of Bret Norton, Countryside Alliance Church, and the Poconos region.

Serving in Jesus' Name for 10 Days in Central Asia
A team from Citylight Church in Philadelphia was privileged to be a small part of what God is doing through the Alliance to reach Central Asia with the good news.

Gospel Impact Through Eastern PA Church Plants
There are five developing church plants in our district reaching the communities of Harrisburg, York, Upper Darby, Scranton, and Lock Haven. We want to share stories from three of those plants and let you know how to join in praying.

Our New Consecration and Ordination Triads
We are changing the way workers travel through the consecration and ordination process in Eastern PA.

First Steps Towards Church Planting in Philly
We want to give you an update on our Philadelphia Church Planting Initiative. Our first step was to listen and learn. The next step is to begin pre-planting work in South Philadelphia.

How Residencies Develop Kingdom Workers
One of the ways we can train people to make disciples that make disciples—that’s multiplication—is in the context of our own churches and communities through the rhythms of everyday life.

New International Workers Heading Out Soon
The international workers we lovingly refer to as “the family with a lot of children” are headed out soon. Find out what’s ahead for them.

The Unexpected Church Experience for Three Students
As part of an assignment for a graduate class, three students decided to attend church for a semester. After presenting their insights, something powerful happened in class that day.