Our Current Openings

Thank you for your interest in serving with The Christian & Missionary Alliance in Eastern PA.

Each opening will take you to an online application system. Please apply through that system, and we will reach out once we have received your application.

Pastoral positions require accreditation with The Christian & Missionary Alliance. You do not need to be accredited to apply, however you can begin the accreditation process before being hired.

District Office

Middletown, PA | The part-time Administrative Specialist is the caretaker of financial ledgers and official records of the district and serves as our administrator for the District Credentialing Council.

Church Internship

Lancaster, PA | Community Fellowship Church has launched the 'Step Forward' program—a paid, one-year, church leadership apprenticeship. This training opportunity is designed for students and recent graduates.

Lead Pastor Openings

Dickson City, PA | Located just north of Scranton, Cornerstone is searching for a part-time pastor who can lead the church to become a disciple-making community and reach the unchurched.

Stroudsburg, PA | Stroudsburg Alliance Church, a historical African American church, is seeking a part-time pastor with a shepherd’s heart to fulfill their vision for Gospel impact.

Duncannon, PA | Paralleling the Susquehanna River in Perry County, New Buffalo is seeking a full-time pastor to lead the church toward its purpose of multiplying disciples. A parsonage is available.

Lewistown, PA | Located in the beautiful countryside of Central Pennsylvania, Pine Glen is seeking a lead pastor who can shepherd and reshape their vision.

Shermans Dale, PA | Seeking a pastor and church planter who can help replant a church into a fresh, vibrant expression of Jesus's work to make disciples in Perry County.

Elizabethtown, PA | Located in Lancaster County, the “E-town” Alliance church is seeking a full-time pastor to shape the church through biblical disciple making and developing leaders.

Danville, PA | Iron Mill Church is seeking a full-time pastor who can help guide their church in being a Gospel-rooted, disciple-making community that loves audaciously. A parsonage is available.

Church Planting Openings

South Philadelphia | Our district is looking for a disciple-making leader to join the South Philadelphia Church Plant team. The pastor will be a spiritual, strategic, and multiplying leader that helps build a disciple-making community in the city.

Open Location | We are looking for multiplying leaders who are ready to bring the Gospel of Jesus to new communities through church planting in Eastern PA.

Philadelphia | As a district, we are looking for a church planter who is ready to bring the Gospel of Jesus to new communities in Philadelphia and to help our district establish a regional network in the city.

Church Staff Openings

Shamokin, PA | By representing Jesus Christ and the church, this role includes winning, building, and equipping young people and building, developing, and leading the worship team.

Philadelphia, PA | Located in Northwest Philadelphia, the Executive Pastor of Citylight Church will work with church leadership to discern the Lord’s vision for the health, growth and multiplication of Citylight Church.

State College, PA | State College Chinese Alliance Church is seeking a part-time or full-time youth pastor/director who will grow, lead, and coordinate effective youth programs.

Williamsport, PA | The Youth Coordinator at City Alliance Church is a part-time position (10 hrs per week) whose role is to equip and direct a passionate team of youth mentors for the glory of God and the good of the city.