Regional Church Design Lab
Equip your church to build an effective disciple-making culture through a 12-month collaborative cohort.
Is your church lacking a clear pathway for making disciples?
Our Regional Church Design Lab brings together regional workers and church leaders in 12-month intensive cohort focused on helping each regional church grow in their effectiveness to make disciples. In our time together, your church will develop a disciple-making pathway, create a strategic plan for leading cultural change, and foster relationships for continued collaboration.
In the lab, your team will:
Recenter your vision on Jesus and his mission
Collaborate and own a definition of a disciple for your church
Consider the elements of change needed for spiritual formation
Develop elements of a disciple-making pathway for your church
Create and test run tools or practices for the formation of disciples
Discern the cultural elements of your church needing addressed
Create a plan for next steps toward implementing these in your church
Each cohort looks like:
Two in-person retreats at the beginning and middle
Eight monthly work sessions
These are uniquely arranged with teaching, reflection, exercises, and interaction
Each Regional Church Design Lab we offer is part of a greater effort toward forming regional networks across Eastern PA.
Through developing relationships among regional church leadership and creating common language and urgency around disciple-making, the foundation for a strong regional network of 3-6 churches will be established.
Once enough churches in each region are ready and committed, we will move toward bringing the lab to them.
If your church is hungry for an experience like this and churches in your region are not ready, please contact us and we will connect you with similar experiences offered by partner organizations.