We develop Kingdom workers
for increasing Gospel impact.
Who are we?
The Alliance is a Christ-centered, Acts1:8 family that is passionate about bringing all of Jesus to all of the world. The Eastern PA District of the Alliance pursues this vision by developing Kingdom workers for increasing Gospel impact.
What is increasing Gospel impact?
Through the person and power of Jesus, we are transformed in a way that flows to multiplication. The Gospel takes root in us, continuously changes us deeply, and grows to produce fruit that multiplies into the lives of others.
Where does this transformation to multiplication take place?
We believe it happens centrally in churches. Churches are disciple-making communities of people being transformed by Jesus. These communities must be Gospel rooted, on faith-filled mission, and have courageous leadership.
What will multiplication look like in our district?
We will see regional networks of churches collaborating to raise up workers, plant churches, and impact regions.
What is the role of the district?
The district is an initiating effort to see the church fulfill its mission to be disciple-making communities that multiply. To that end, we work together to equip workers, engage churches, and empower regional networks. These three areas of work are enhanced by our strategic planning, communications, and operations.
What would movement toward regional multiplication look like?
We will see workers and churches increasingly shifting from a programmatic mindset to embracing a disciple-making mindset in their life and ministry.
What will progress look like as churches shift toward multiplication?
We will see leadership embracing their role to shape the pathway, design, and culture of their church as a disciple-making community.