Q&A: Hearing the Leadership Voice of Jesus


A pastor in our district asked his elders, “If Paul commands us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1), why is it that I’ve never heard any of us praying or actively seeking to grow in the prophetic?” Great question!

To read Paul’s exhortation and NOT desire to grow in prophesy implies one of two things: 1) we are cessationists or 2) we are disobedient.

Too often we give ourselves a pass on pursuing prophetic ministry in our churches because when it comes to prophesy, we all have too many pictures in our heads of mistaken concepts, poor examples, confusion, extremes, or just plain ignorance.

But 1 Corinthians 14:1 still stands. The answer to immature prophetic ministry is not to ignore it but to grow up.

For that reason, and because we believe the truth of 1 Corinthians 14:1 and Ephesians 4:11 is still in force, our district includes growing in the prophetic as one of our key development areas. I’ve had the joy of overseeing the first-level prophetic track, “Hearing the Leadership Voice of Jesus.”

Shane Nichols, Lead pastor of Valley Alliance Church in West Pittston, participated in the cohort and then returned this year to facilitate the cohort and will lead the cohort again in 2023.

I asked Shane some questions about his experience.

Nate: Shane, what prompted you to consider first participating in the prophetic track? What was it about the prophetic track that you thought would maybe be interesting or helpful for your life and ministry?

Shane: I first considered entering the track because you asked me. But I joined because I wanted to see an approach to the prophetic that may have a different approach from what I experienced in my Pentecostal/Charismatic upbringing. I also wanted a more systematic approach to teaching and training others in the prophetic.

Nate: What did you find helpful as you walked through the cohort? What increased clarity, confidence, or changes in your life or ministry came as a result of walking through the cohort?

Shane: I found the structure of a “classroom” setting helpful. Most of the prophetic I had previously experienced was experiential. This track includes resources that are aligned more with the reformed tradition. Now I have resources to give my cessationist Reformed friends. I’ve always believed Reformed believers were cessationists. Now I have great resources to give to those who opposed gifts as primarily an Arminian theological position. It was also helpful to hear the New Testament emphasis that growing in the prophetic does NOT require us to hear Jesus  "perfectly.” There’s room for humility and growth.

Nate: After you went through the cohort, you were willing to go through it a second year and facilitate a cohort. What led you to be willing to put in the effort to participate in a second year as a cohort leader?

Shane: Honestly, I struggle with the practice of prophetic journaling that was part of the cohort. I wanted to go through a second session to really get a grip on journaling. I’m a big-picture, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person. I don’t perform well unless I’m under the gun to get it completed. My hope is that it will bring further balance and greater discipline.

Nate: As you walked through the cohort a second time, as a leader, did you find anything new that was helpful or meaningful?

Shane: YES!! Every cohort meeting we had brought with it a fresh experience!! The opportunity to express the prophetic, mutually submit, and wait on God’s leading for one another is eternal and you know it.  

Nate: I’m happy to say that you will be leading a prophetic cohort in 2023, what would you say to a fellow pastor who might be interested in engaging in the cohort this next year?

Shane: Paul in his letter to the Romans (1:11-12) says, “I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” If you are on the fence, I hope you are encouraged by my faith and jump in!!

Final Encouragement

Whether you are intimidated by or have huge questions about the thought of growing in the prophetic and allowing it to shape the way you do your ministry, I strongly encourage you to consider if 2023 is a good time, along with others, to intentionally grow in “hearing the leadership voice of Jesus.” If interested, you can find more details here or fill out an interest form below.

Want to join this track in 2023?
Submit an interest form by November 30.