Conference Messages

Message #1 - The Gospel for All of Life

Message #3 - The Gospel Relationally

Message #2 - The Gospel Personally

Message #4 - The Gospel Vocationally

Development Area Videos

Our Theme


The Gospel is not only for our death or only an entrance contract that we then leave and move on to more important things, it is an invitation to the Kingdom of God. The Gospel isn’t just the message that saves us, it is the truth that transforms us. Over the course of our time together we will focus on how the Gospel is for all of life and transforms us personally, relationally, and vocationally.



SEPT 21-23

STARTS MOnday, Sept 21 at 1pm
COncludes Wednesday, SEPT 23 at 12pm



137 Supplee Mill Rd‎ Lewisburg, PA 17837


Our Speaker

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Rev. Sunder Krishnan

Sunder Krishnan grew up in the capital city of New Delhi. In June 1969, he joined the staff of Atomic Energy of Canada. Most of his eleven years on staff were spent in safety analysis of nuclear generating stations.

In 1971, he and Shyamala were married and worshiped at Rexdale Alliance Church. In October 1980, Sunder resigned from his position with Atomic Energy of Canada and joined the pastoral staff of Rexdale Alliance Church where he served until he “retired” in June 2016.

Sunder has spoken both nationally and internationally at pastors conferences, international worker field conferences, local church deeper life and missions conferences, and at significant gatherings of various para-church organizations, locally and globally. Sunder also has a passion to mentor the next generation, especially young pastors.

They have two married children, Vijay and Sheila and six grandchildren, Rebecca, Matthew, Benjamin, Noah, Joel and Gideon. They currently worship at The Well, where their son Vijay is the lead pastor.


Developmental Breakout Sessions


an eventful, transformative
journey with God

Hear stories of others on that journey, including what’s involved and why you might want to consider entering the Personal Development Track.


Better Together

Isolation is not a good recipe for healthy ministry.

Hear testimonies from ministry people who have found safe community in our Relational Groups. Participate in the honest discussion of how every ministry marriage needs safe places to process with others. Find out what it would look like to be in one of our Relational or Marriage Cohorts.


The Gospel and Culture:
Addressing the Everyday Issues with the Good News of Jesus

In our time together, we will examine what cultural influences are at the root of the everyday issues we see around us and how to address them with the Gospel in a way that calls people toward faith and repentance in Jesus.


Making Evangelism Normal in Your Church

Since the beginning of Jesus’ ministry when Andrew invited Peter and Philip invited Nathanael, sharing the good news of Jesus person to person has been at the core of Jesus’ mission for His people.  In this session, we’ll explore reasons why evangelism has declined in American churches and identify steps to encourage and equip for greater participation in Jesus’ mission.


Leading from a Gospel Perspective

Leading in your ministry context can oftentimes become rote or mechanical.  This session will focus on bringing life and intentionality back to leadership through the infusion of the Gospel.


Discovering and Discerning Jesus’ Voice

Join us to hear the stories of others in this year’s prophetic track, to walk through a prophetic exercise, and engage in a candid Q&A on New Testament prophecy.